Smingularity, Hi

"What is The Singularity? The acceleration of technological progress has been the central feature of this century. I argue in this paper that we are on the edge of change comparable to the rise of human life on Earth. The precise cause of this change is the imminent creation by technology of entities with greater than human intelligence. There are several means by which science may achieve this breakthrough (and this is another reason for having confidence that the event will occur):"
- The Coming Technological Singularity, Essay by Vernor Vinge, 1993.
The Coming Technological Singularity - alternate sources:
Vision 21 full conference PDF containing all essay submissions;
Plaintext, essay only;
Self organizing principal re. Green life statistically improbable self-organizing; so-called forbidden line interactions; entanglement in the context of more infinitely infinite spaces as preceeded by accumulated Pancharathnam/Berry Phase in vorticial-stable temporal states, ie. Or aka phase interleaving accounting for time-dependent topological phenomenon - which really isn't saying much without the math. This final point gives way in my mind to an extension to black hole theory which, in line with recent pronouncemnts of disbelief in the phenomenon of black holes by Stephen Hawking, who some might agree has for 40 plus years been the most outspoken on their existence and the character of that existence, is the forge and anvil of a structure seen to be a black hole where, implicit in the rate of 'consumtion' of matter and the return of light from the phenomenon suposed, it has been said, to originate from highly compressed matter 'waiting' to be consumed (referring to rate), where in light of these physical characteristics and the polar plumes and feelers of Cygnus B, that the reality is the destruction of, flattening (in a sense) or otherwise reforging or reordering of phase entanglments foundational to the properties of ordinary matter and comprising the basis of it's intrinsic informational load of history, to be recycled as unrecognizable from its origin as feedstock to the anvil and prepared thus as basic constituents sufficient in the context of a continuously evident and fundamentally unchanging physical model to experience creation without predisposition, knowledge, or memory of any form prior to the new... well, you know, unless some random electron escapes the so-called event horizon and serendipitously encounters new matter interacting with old and in self-similar fashion spontaneously creates a dendritic structure to then read said electron from a neural map also miraculously ghosted in the perect fluid enegy field which happens to correspond and whose creation was in part the domain of our lonely electron companion... or whatever, you know? Someone needs to get paid for dreaming. Get back to weeding, dammit, and push that machine out of the way. Nobody around here knows or wants to remember how to run it or, ga*d furbid, fix the thing. I mean, we can't ALL twiddle knobs and turn dials to elicit experimental results (no matter the value the theory or speculation) while the work dries up and the machine bulldozes ahead toward the black, I don't know, anvil/hole/end use point of no flippin' return... And don't get me started on stored knowledge replacing fluency in codified solution spaces... Sweet Jiminy Crickett, I'm getting too old for this. Hand me a Kleenex ™, will you. My nose is starting to bleed at these heights which I was unprepared for...
... end transmission
Articles providing inspiration:
Feb. 2014 Alert: Accelerating humanity to a strange(let) singularity?
What are the chances that a particle collider's strangelets will destroy the Earth?, Article by Lisa Zyga, Online science journal, Feb. 12, 2014.
'Gravity's Angel', Short fiction by Tom Maddox, Omni Magazine, 1992.
